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法国Ella Bache

法国Ella Bache

这是本词条的最新版本,由法国Ella Bache于2010.04.26贡献。


SINCE 1936


Ella Bache was founded in 1936, when they launched the amazing Cream Tomato, way ahead of its time in harnessing the benefits of lycopoene and fruits acids, since then Ella Bache Laboratories has been of one woman`s most sweet dreams. Using detailed, percepective observation, Ella Bache`s pharmacist has developed original, professional products that aim to maintain and improve the nature of human skin.


With 70 years of skin care experience, Ella Bache always invents authentic products with unparalleled nutrition. Through the expertise of Ella Bache and your therapist, a beautiful relationship is about to begin


Ella Bache`s products can be conceptualized by food. using sophisiticated beauty recipes to energize and feed the skin for visible results, the expertise of Ella Bache are exquisitely delivered to users.


Founded on a unique approach to beauty, all Ella Bache salon treatments take into account the nature of individual skin and its different "life stage", so as to achieve the best possitive results - such is, and always has been, the spirit and the letter of the Ella Bache philosophy.



1936年Ella Bache 实验室正式成立,缔造了Ella Bache夫人的梦想。身为药剂师的她,以“永不落空的承诺”为宗旨,凭藉与众不同的才华、敏锐的洞察力,以及非凡的创造力,研发出多种世界首创的专业护肤成分,为改善肌肤并维持其天然的美态做出了巨大贡献!同年,她在巴黎创立的首家Ella Bache专业美容中心,率先引进了时尚美容的模式,让更多的女性体会到肌肤保养的重要性。


于世界著名学府BUDAPEST修读药剂学的Ella Bache 夫人,在专业护肤领域开创先河,采用天然成分番茄红素和果酸,成功研制出功效绝妙的Cream Tamato番茄美白面霜,率先将Allantoin尿囊素及Fletan Oil鲽鱼油应用于护肤品中,并首创研发了著名的冻蜡脱毛等技术,奠定了其在专业护肤界的崇高地位。


法国Ella Bache位居世界十大专业护肤品牌之一,始创独特治疗暗疮皮肤的反论调,获得“专业油性系列产品荣誉大奖”;同时,在针对衰老性皮肤系列中“FABANINE”成分的研发,使其在1998、1999、2000年分别囊括多个国际权威奖项,2007年更以“MG Relex”从莲花细胞提取极致舒压抗皱因子,提升肌肤免疫机能,延缓衰老,成功获得专利;2009年Ella Bache获得OSCAR 2009革新大奖。独特的护肤理念,丰富的品牌内涵,使其不断赢得全球美容界及众传媒的赞叹!


法国Ella Bache认为护肤品如同供给皮肤营养的食品,为肌肤的亮泽美丽提供着养分;以尊重肌肤,因应肌肤的天然属性和不同生理阶段为本,法国Ella Bache,精研出多款专业皮肤护理疗程,令整体护肤更为完美。只要走进Ella Bache,即能体验品牌的专业技术和卓越功效,为您带来惊喜和愉悦的享受!


法国Ella Bache合了70多年专业经验,萃取100%纯天然成分,配合尖端革新技术,精研出顶级营养配方,让肌肤常处最佳平衡状态。法国Ella Bache的高效产品加上专业护肤技术,同时以开展互信关系为基础,即时带您步入健康的、和谐的美肌疗程。


单色石 - 法国Ella Bache 苏州地区独家授权服务沙龙!-



